Social Media Advertisement | Elite

$ 12,500.00 USD

Package details

  1. Ad spend up to $60,000.00/month: We'll work with you to set a budget that maximizes your ad spend while still achieving your marketing goals.
  2. Continuous Funnel Monitoring for Retargeting up to 5 products: Our team keeps a close eye on your Facebook marketing funnel to identify potential retargeting opportunities. By analyzing user behavior and engagement metrics, we ensure that no potential lead slips through the cracks, maximizing your conversion opportunities
  3. Account set-up and management: We'll handle the setup and ongoing management of your social media accounts, ensuring that they're optimized for success.
  4. Data-Driven Optimizations: Leveraging the power of data, we make strategic adjustments to your Facebook marketing campaigns. By analyzing key performance indicators and user insights, we fine-tune your ad creatives, audience targeting, and campaign strategies to optimize your return on investment.
  5. Detailed targeting: We'll optimize your campaigns for better performance by targeting the right audience and continually testing and refining our approach.
  6. Bi-weekly Performance Reports: Receive comprehensive performance reports every two weeks, providing you with insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and highlighting areas for improvement.
  7. Pixel Tracking Maintenance: The Facebook pixel is a crucial tool for tracking user interactions and measuring the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Our team ensures that your pixel is properly installed and functioning correctly at all times, allowing you to accurately measure campaign performance and attribute conversions.
  8. Monthly Content Schedule: Stay organized and ahead of the curve with our meticulously crafted content schedule for each month, ensuring consistent and engaging posts tailored to your target audience.

Social Media Advertisement | Elite

$ 12,500.00 USD

This package is for businesses that are looking for more comprehensive social media ad management services.

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