Web design | Starter

$ 999.00 USD

Package details

  1. One-page responsive design: Your website will adjust to different screen sizes and devices, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  2. We'll perform basic search engine optimization (SEO) setup to improve your website's search visibility. This includes optimizing meta tags, headings, and images. While not as extensive as advanced SEO, this foundational setup helps your website get noticed by search engines
  3. Contact form submission: Visitors can easily get in touch with you through a form on your website, improving customer service and making it easier for potential customers to reach you.
  4. Google Analytics installation: Powerful tool for tracking important metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and conversion rate to make informed decisions about improving your website and attracting more visitors.
  5. Meta pixel installation: Adds a small code to track user behavior and enable retargeting campaigns, making your online advertising more effective and driving more traffic and sales to your website.

Web design | Starter

$ 999.00 USD

Modern and top notch website to test market place and product demands.

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